3 博客
  • A Million Questions

    There are a million questions that could be asked about hot air ballooning. However, there are a few standard questions that are asked on a regular basis almost every day. Some of…

    HAB - Admin
  • In the Bag

    One of the most common questions asked by prospective passengers of our hot air balloon flights is “Can I take my bag?”. The simple answer is no, the more complicated one is, “…

    HAB - Admin
  • 热气球的开始

    热气球是人们发明的最古老的飞行科技。这是气球科技的一种项目。Montgolfier兄弟在一七八二年十二月十四日打造的热气球在Annonay, France 一七八三年十一月二十一号在Jean-Francois Pilatre de rozier 和 Francois Laurent d’Arlandes 的操作下第一次无乘客起飞。…

    HAB - Admin