Suggested Scenic Rim Walking Tracks

Enjoy floating over the Scenic Rim then enjoy walking it


1. Lower Portals Track – Mt Barney National Park (7.4km/3 hours)
This track leaves from the Lower Portals car park and goes to the Lower Portals, a beautiful pool along a gorge on Mount Barney Creek. This walk has moderate to steep gradients.

2. Cronan Creek Track – Mt Barney National Park (13km/5 hours)
From Yellow Pinch car park, a pleasant walk along the fire trail leads you past the base of South Ridge into cool green rainforest. (Note: The climb up South Ridge is rugged and steep and for experienced walkers only).

3. Mee-bor-rum Circuit – Moogerah Peaks National Park – Mt French section (720m/15 mins)
This circuit track passes through heathland and features the East cliff lookout with views of Tamborine, Lamington and Mount Barney. Care must be taken at the lookout as it is a natural feature and has no handrails. Further along the track a circular platform with seating provides views of the heathland and southern section of Mount French.  Wheelchair access on this track is only possible to the heathland—beyond here the track is rough and uneven.

4. Mt Edwards Summit – Moogerah Peaks National Park – Mt Edwards section (6km/3.5 hours)
Mount Edwards is accessible from the Moogerah Dam picnic area at the end of Moogerah Connection Road. From the picnic area walk across the Moogerah Dam wall to the park entrance. This walk is suitable for experienced walkers only and requires a reasonable level of fitness. There are no formed tracks, signs or facilities so you must be self-reliant. Warning! There are sheer cliffs and slippery rocks particularly after rain.

5. Cotswold Track – Mt Barney National Park – Mount Maroon summit (6km/8 hours)
In spring this summit provides spectacular wildflower displays set against the craggy peaks of the Scenic Rim. Allow a full day to reach the summit safely and to return to your vehicle.

6. North Cliff Track – Moogerah Peaks National Park – Mt French section (720m/15 mins)
This track leads to Logans lookout with excellent, panoramic views over the Fassifern Valley, with the Main Range escarpment to the west and Flinders Peak and beyond to the east. North Cliff track is suitable for wheelchairs with assistance.

7. Rainforest Circuit – Main Range National Park – Cunningham’s Gap (1.6km/30mins)
The circuit commences at the eastern end of the crest carpark. It passes the Allan Cunningham monument, and is the beginning of an extensive track system on the northern side of the Gap. The Fassifern Valley lookout track forms the eastern part of the circuit. Turn left at the base of the stairs to take the easiest way around the circuit.

8. Fassifern Valley Lookout – Main Range National Park (1.2km/20 mins)
Commencing at the crest carpark, the Fassifern Valley lookout provides a spectacular view over the Moogerah Peaks, Fassifern Valley and Lake Moogerah. The track commences at the eastern end of the crest carpark and forms the eastern part of the Rainforest circuit.

9. Mount Cordeaux Track – Main Range National Park – Cunningham’s Gap (6.8km/2.5 hours)
Mount Cordeaux (1135 m) is known to Aboriginal people as Niamboyoo. Branching off the Rainforest Circuit, the track zigzags through rainforest to the exposed upper slopes, ending at a lookout on the southern side. The cliff face of Mount Cordeaux is spectacular in spring and early summer when the giant spear lilies (Doryanthes palmeri) are in flower. Take care at the cliff edge.

10.Mount Mitchell Track – Main Range National Park – Cunningham’s Gap (10.2km/3 hours)
A graded walking track to the twin peaks of Mount Mitchell begins on the southern side of the highway. Take care when crossing the highway. Rainforest and open eucalypt forest will be encountered on this track, which ends on a knife-edge ridge above a sheer cliff on the east peak of Mount Mitchell (1168 m). This peak is known as Cooyinnirra to the Aboriginal people. Take care at the cliff edge.

11. Heritage Trail – Main Range National Park – Spicer’s Gap (3.2km/1 hour)
From the Governor's Chair carpark, an interesting self-guiding walk, showing various road construction methods, follows the historic road.

12. Sylvesters Lookout – Main Range National Park – Goomburra (940m/30 mins)
Sylvesters lookout offers magnificent views over the coastal plains below including the southern tip of Lake Moogerah and the rugged border ranges to the south. The track starts from Lookout Road—a 4.7 km drive from the Kurrajong picnic area. This road is a dry weather road only and is closed by locked gate near Kurrajong picnic area during wet weather.

13. Palm Grove Circuit – Tamborine National Park – Palm Grove section (2.6km/1hour)
View palm groves and rainforest with emergent strangler figs and distinctively buttressed yellow carabeens feature on this walk.  There are three different ways of accessing this bush walking area

14. Curtis Falls Track – Tamborine National Park – Joalah section (1.1kn/30 mins)
This enchanting walk begins in wet eucalypt forest beneath towering flooded gums. Notice a drop in temperature as the wet eucalypt forest merges into lush rainforest. Beautiful crows nest and staghorn ferns can be seen in the canopy above.

15. Sandy Creek Circuit – Tamborine National Park – Knoll section (2.6km/1 hour)
This walk features lush rainforest with towering trees emerging through the canopy. A 100 m track branches off through open eucalypt forest to Cameron Falls lookout. On a clear day enjoy views across the valley to Mount Flinders and southern suburbs of Brisbane. This track travels close to steep cliff edges.

16.Witches Falls Circuit – Tamborine National Park – Witches Falls section (3.1km/1 hour)
Witches Falls circuit starts just beyond the commemorative shelter. The track zigzags down the mountain side through an open forest of banksia trees and into rainforest with giant strangler figs. This circuit passes seasonal lagoons surrounded by pIpswich City Councilabeen palm groves before reaching Witches Falls. After heavy rain the lagoons fill with water and spring to life with a variety of insect and frog species. An alternative access track can be used in this section during wet conditions. The waterfall only flows after recent rain and is best viewed from the lookout platform, accessed via a 200 m detour from the main circuit.

17. Caves Circuit – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (5km/1.5 hours)
From the park's information centre, this interesting track winds up through open forest and rainforest to emerge on the road near the Binna Burra Mountain Lodge road entrance. Alternatively, begin this track from the Binna Burra Mountain Lodge road entrance and return via Binna Burra Road. Caution: this track contains unstable surfaces. Rockfalls may occur on the track and in Kweebani Cave. For your safety, avoid lingering near the cave - move along the track and view the cave from a safe distance. The track provides excellent views into the Coomera Valley and passes a large red cedar and fine specimens of other rainforest tree species. The major cliff line opposite is of a flow of
rhyolite and deposits of boulders and ash (tuff) can be seen in overhanging caves.  Possibly the largest intact stand of hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) can be seen along the Darlington Range.  White-throated treecreepers, members of one of the oldest groups of songbirds, are frequently seen on this track. Koalas are often seen in open forest areas along the walk.  Take care when walking down the bitumen road to return to the start of the circuit,
especially on weekends when traffic is heavy.

18. Bellbird Lookout Track – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (2km/1hour)
This track branches off the Ships Stern circuit and descends through rainforest and open forest before emerging suddenly at Bellbird lookout. This natural lookout that has no handrails and is above a very high, steep cliff (this lookout and most of the track is on Binna Burra Lodge land and is not part of the national park). Please keep children under close supervision and keep well away from the cliff edge. From here you get an excellent view of Ships Stern, Turtle Rock, Egg Rock (Kurraragin) and Numinbah Valley. This is a brilliant opportunity to view what millions of years of erosion, landslides and weathering have created. These continuing geological processes will continue to shape what you see before you. Hoop pines (Araucaria cunninghamii) can be seen from the lookout, growing on the exposed northern slopes. Harvesting of hoop pine and red cedar (Toona ciliata) led to the initial European settlement and ultimate clearing of Numinbah Valley for agriculture.

19. Ships Stern Circuit – part of the Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (21km/8 hours) – emphasise Lower Ballanjui Falls – see Binna Burra Mountain Lodge website Ships Stern circuit starts 300m back from the road's end (opposite the road entrance to Binna Burra Mountain Lodge). It descends into Kurraragin Valley (Nixon Creek) where you will see fine stands of pIpswich City Councilabeen palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamii), large red cedar (Toona ciliata), and majestic flooded gum (Eucalyptus grandis). Lower Ballunjui Falls, 5.3km from the track entrance, is reached by a short side-track that branches off the main track. On the Ships Stern Range, which is formed of rhyolite, the rainforest gives way to eucalypt forest with a dense understorey of spring-blooming wildflowers. Lookouts provide views into Numinbah and Kurraragin valleys, giving us a glimpse of a stage in the continuing erosion of the Tweed Shield Volcano. The  nmistakable Egg Rock is a rhyolite plug that formed in one of the subsidiary vents of this once massive shield volcano. The track continues through rainforest and open forest with another side-track (1.3km one way) providing access to the top of Ballunjui Falls before joining the Border Track to return to Binna Burra. This track forms part of the Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk, arrow markers indicate the route. Please do not attempt this walk unless you are a Great Walker and have a copy of the Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk Topographic Map.

20. Tree Top Walkway – O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat (1.5km/30 mins)
The Booyong Boardwalk, featuring some excellent interpretive signage, leads you from the front of O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat to the walkway, which is a series of suspension bridges that take you 16m up into the rainforest canopy. The adventurous can climb ladders to a crows nest like platform in a fig tree 30m above the ground. Not recommended for those who suffer from a fear of heights.

22.Wishing Tree & Mick’s Tower walk

23. Python Rock Track – Lamington National Park – Green Mountains section (3.4km/1 hour)
This track leaves the Lamington National Park Road 800m downhill from the national park's information centre. Some parking is available at the track entrance. Python Rock lookout (1.6km from the track's entrance) provides views of Morans Falls, Castle Crag and Lost World. Views from the lookout highlight the geological processes of erosion, including valley widening and escarpment formation. This track passes through a closed rainforest community into an open eucalypt forest where fire-adapted species such as grasstrees, hakeas and various wildflowers grow. The guttural "popping" of the masked mountain frog (Kyarranus loveridgei) can be heard on wet or moist days in late spring and summer. These ancient frogs are members of the Gondwanan family commonly known as southern frogs.

24.West Cliff (Pat’s Bluff) walk

25.Morans Falls – Lamington National Park – Green Mountains section (4.6km/1.5 hours)
This track leaves the Lamington National Park Road 800m downhill from the national park's information centre. Some parking is available at the track entrance. An excellent view of Morans Falls and Morans Creek gorge can be seen from the constructed lookout located before the creek crossing. Layers of ancient volcanic lava flows are also visible; the more resistant have formed small cliff-lines along the valley, and is best seen at the second lookout located at the end of the track. Please keep to the track as short cuts create erosion.

26. Picnic Rock and Elabana Falls walk

27. Box Forest Circuit – Lamington National Park – Green Mountains section (10.9km/4 hours)
This track branches from the Border Track 1.8km from the track entrance and leads directly to Picnic Rock and Elabana Falls. It runs through rainforest and past impressive stands of smooth, pink-barked brush box (Lophostemon confertus) before reaching the falls. Similar brush box in other parts of the World Heritage area have been radiocarbon dated at 1500 years, making these giant trees the oldest ever carbon-dated on Australia's mainland. If you intend walking this entire circuit, walk in a clockwise direction and exit via Elabana Falls and Picnic Rock.

28. Tullawallal Circuit – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (5km/1.5 hours)
Visit the most accessible cool temperate rainforest in Lamington and the closest patch of this forest type to Binna Burra. At the trailhead take the right branch of the Rainforest circuit and follow signs to the Tullawallal circuit. The pocket of Antarctic beech (Nothofagus moorei) on the summit is the northernmost location of this species in Australia. These trees are one of our remaining links with the ancient forests of Gondwana. Nothofagus forests were once widespread across the continent and provided a habitat for many animals that have long since disappeared from our landscape.

29. Rainforest Circuit – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (1.2km/30 mins)
For a quick introduction to the "typical" warm subtropical rainforest of Lamington, follow the Border Track for 500m, then branch right and return to the picnic area along the rainforest circuit track. Bowerbirds and catbirds are commonly heard.

30. Lower Bellbird Circuit – Lamington National Park – Binna Burra section (12km/4 hours)
This track branches off the Ships Stern circuit 3.7km from the track entrance. The track passes through a patch of dry rainforest, regarded as an example of the rise of the "dry adapted" flora now widespread in Australia. Follow the track below Bellbird lookout and emerge at a clearing, once a dairy farm. The circuit returns via the Binna Burra Road. Please note that choosing to return via the Caves track adds 1.6km to the walk.  This track forms part of the Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk, arrow markers indicate the route. Please do not attempt this walk unless you are a Great Walker. 


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